Tuesday 26 February 2013

Schnee !!

Snow !!

When I got up this morning it was snowing... much heavier than yesterday.  I decided an opportunity to walk in such pretty snow was too good to pass up.  First I took Angelina the dog (who is home with me today while Claudia, Tamara and the 3 boarding girls are all at work or school).  She was happy to come out but obviously didn't fancy a long walk as after a while she began to look back.  I took her home and went back out by myself.  Angelina is having her spleen removed on Thursday so perhaps it was her upset stomach and not the snow.

Oh, it was so lovely to walk!  I held up my camera to take a photo of me in the snow and as I walked on a young woman walking her dog offered to take one for me.  "A better one" she said in English when she realized I wasn't going to be able to have this discussion in German.  As it turned out I don't think it was a better photo at all.... I only saw when I got back that she took it the moment I lifted my hat from my face.  Funny though.

I made sure I took a photo that included the roundabout at the Speyer cathedral.... somewhere between the painted circles on the road and the huge ones that appear every mile or two wherever you go in England. 

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