Friday 31 May 2013

Cowroast bridge 136 to Cowroast (below lock)

Cowroast Bridge 136 to Cowroast (below lock) : 1 mile, 1 lock
To date : 339 miles, 191 locks

Finally, today we had a quiet day.  Just what we needed.  Barry and Carol had visitors coming for a couple of days so they moved up to the lock at Cowroast.... after a bit of too-ing and fro-ing about where the visitors should park.  We decided to move ahead a bit too as the towpath was in a right state where we were.  I went for a walk and discovered that below the lock the towpath was paved and dry.  A vast improvement on the large muddy puddles up the other end.  All our shoes were filthy.  Off we went through the lock.

We tied up using pins and Angie's pin covers and walked to the pub for lunch.   We've been to the Cowroast Pub once before.  In 2010 we met Barry and Sandra on nb Northern Pride and had lunch with them there.  They serve Thai food which feels a bit strange in a quaint English pub.  Nice enough lunch though.

After lunch I caught up on some work and finished the jigsaw puzzle I had on the dinette table.  We've found a great use for our previous version of double glazing.  I use one to cover the jigsaw puzzle when I'm not working on it.  Mick sat and helped too.  After a while we noticed that the boat seemed to be tipping on an angle.  It seems the water was slowly draining from the pound we were moored in and we were sitting on the bottom of the canal.  Mick went up to let some water down which helped a little but we decided we'd test the depth a little further along.  It was probably a foot deeper so we moved along.

We've chatted with some lovely folk walking past this afternoon.  A lady with a gorgeous friendly black labrador stopped for a chat and a pat.  The dog seemed quite keen to clamber into the boat through our side hatch!  Then came a lady with a pair of Border Terriers.  We talked to her for nearly half an hour.  It turned out she has a farm bordering the canal a little further down.  She even offered to drive us to the supermarket if we needed anything but we'll be passing one tomorrow anyway.  Nice of her to offer....  what a lovely lady.

Photos this morning of our shared mooring greenery on one side and nb Winton's Folly on the other :


Unknown said...

Thanks for the tip about the jigsaw Elly! Such a simple idea and it had never occurred to me. Glad to see you, Mick, Carol & Barry are enjoying yourselves so much! xx

Elly and Mick said...

Nice to hear from you Dot. Our V1 of double glazing used draught stopper tape so the perspex is slightly raised off the table. Works perfectly!
Elly xx